lottie-react-native ★10415 - A mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
react-native-maps ★8388 - React Native Map components for iOS + Android
react-native-swiper ★6955 - The best Swiper component for React Native.
react-native-gifted-chat ★6546 - The most complete chat UI for React Native (formerly known as Gifted Messenger)
react-native-scrollable-tab-view ★5664 - A scrollable tab-view for React Native
react-native-image-picker ★4709 - A React Native module that allows you to use the native UIImagePickerController UI to select a photo from the device library or directly from the camera.
react-native-material-kit ★4124 - Bringing Material Design to React Native
react-native-snap-carousel ★3959 - Swiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support
react-native-calendars ★3402 - React Native Calendar Components 📆
react-native-ui-kitten ★3140 - Customizable and reusable react-native component kit
react-native-svg ★2982 - SVG library that works on both iOS & Android
react-native-image-crop-picker ★2736 - iOS/Android image picker with support for multiple images and cropping
react-native-splash-screen ★2663 - A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded, it works on iOS and Android.
react-native-material-ui ★2536 - Highly customizable material design components for React Native
react-native-app-intro ★2433 - A React Native parallax effect app intro
react-native-drawer ★2276 - React Native Drawer
react-native-typography ★2260 Pixel–perfect, native–looking typographic styles for React Native
react-native-fast-image ★2240 - FastImage, performant React Native image component.
react-native-blurhash ★105 - Give your users the loading experience they want.
react-native-swipeout ★2194 - iOS-style swipeout buttons behind component
react-native-blur ★2172 - React Native Blur component
react-native-progress ★2069 - Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART.
react-native-textinput-effects ★2062 - Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and Android. Built by react native and inspired by Codrops.
react-native-modalbox ★2043 - A component for react-native
react-native-lightbox ★1917 - A very Slick and modern mobile lightbox implementation
react-native-action-button ★1762 - A customizable Float Button Component for React Native
gl-react-native ★1750 - Use OpenGL for performant effects on images and videos
react-native-modal ★1728 - An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
nachos-ui ★1684 - NACHOS UI kit for React Native. Pick from a bunch of pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React.
react-native-mapbox-gl ★1663 - A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
react-native-foldview ★1616 - Animated FoldingCell implementation in React Native
react-native-modern-datepicker ★12 - React Native Modern Datepicker
react-native-spinkit ★1585 - A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native
react-native-recyclerlist ★1515 - High performance listview for React Native and Web with support for complex layouts.
react-native-parallax-scroll-view ★1486 - A ScrollView-like component with parallax and sticky header support.
react-native-chart ★1464 - React-native-chart is a simple module for adding line charts, area charts, or bar charts to your React Native app.
react-native-gifted-listview ★1443 - A ListView that embed some recurrent features like pull-to-refresh, infinite scrolling and more for Android and iOS React-Native apps
react-native-datepicker ★1365 - React Native date, datetime and time picker for both Android and IOS
react-native-viewpager ★1350 - ViewPager component for React Native
react-virgin ★1319 The react-native UI Kit you've been looking for.
react-native-easy-grid ★1304 - Easy Responsive Grid Layout for React Native.
victory-native ★1264 - Victory-native is a collection of components to help you create charts, bar graphs etc.
react-native-picker ★1238 - react-native-picker
react-native-collapsible ★1174 - Animated collapsible component for React Native using the new Animated API with fallback. Good for accordions, toggles etc
react-native-orientation ★1162 - Listen to device orientation changes in react-native and set preferred orientation on screen to screen basis
react-native-tableview ★1105 - Native iOS TableView wrapper for React Native
react-native-keyboard-spacer ★1103 - Plug and play react-Native keyboard spacer view.
react-native-looped-carousel ★1094 - Create looped carousel of views or images
react-native-circular-progress ★1088 - React Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART
react-native-popup-dialog ★1088 - A React Native Popup Dialog Easy Use & Support Use Custom Animation. For IOS & Android
react-native-largelist ★1054 - The best performance large list component for React Native (iOS & Android)
react-native-offline ★977 - Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration.
react-native-root-toast ★971 - React native toast like component, pure javascript solution
react-native-dropdownalert ★894 - A simple drop down alert with 4 pre-defined types.
react-native-loading-spinner-overlay ★885 - The only pure React Native, Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay
react-native-tinder-swipe-cards ★881 - Tinder card style swiping.
react-native-slider ★845 - A pure JavaScript component for react-native
react-native-pathjs-charts ★842 - Android and iOS charts based on react-native-svg and paths-js
react-native-flash-message ★810 - React Native flashbar and top notification alert utility
react-native-svg-charts ★764 - One library to rule all charts for React Native
react-native-masonry ★758 - A masonry~ish layout for rendering images.
react-native-credit-card-input ★742 - 💳 💳 Easy (and good looking) credit-card input for your React Native Project
rn-placeholder ★1139 - Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native (+ React Native Web!)
action-sheet-rn ★1 - Probably the most declarative API for ActionSheets in React Native
react-native-sglistview ★731 - A memory minded implementation of React Native's ListView
react-native-modal-dropdown ★708 - A react-native dropdown/picker/selector component for both Android & iOS.
react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior ★701 - A react native wrapper for android BottomSheetBehavior.
react-native-tabs ★687 - React Native platform-independent tabs. Could be used for bottom tab bars as well as sectioned views (with tab buttons)
react-native-search-bar ★671 - The native search bar for react native.
react-native-timeline-listview ★665 - Timeline component for React Native App
react-native-toastboard - The simplest way to show notification.
apsl-react-native-button ★653 - React Native button component with rounded corners.
react-native-popup-menu ★653 - Extensible popup menu component for React Native.
react-native-qrcode ★644 - react-native qrcode generator
react-native-easy-toast ★616 - A react native module to show toast like android, it works on iOS and Android.
react-router-native ★612 - A routing library for React Native that strives for sensible API parity with React Router
react-native-copilot ★595 - Step-by-step walkthrough for your react native app
react-native-photo-browser ★565 - Local and remote photo browser with captions, selections and grid view support.
react-native-calendar ★559 - Calendar Component for React Native
react-native-parsed-text ★552 - Parse text and make them into multiple React Native Text elements
react-native-step-indicator ★538 - A simple react-native implementation of step indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager and ListView.
react-native-popover-haobtc ★514 - A component for react-native
react-native-dropdown ★507 - A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
react-native-star-rating ★489 - A React Native component for generating and displaying interactive star ratings
react-native-rating-element ★8 - A react native rating system supporting: decimal point's rating, direction aware icons like bottom to top or right to left etc, custom icons from Ionicons, custom images and record rating given by users.
react-native-parallax ★479 - Parallax effects for React Native using Animated API
react-native-sketch ★467 - A react-native <Sketch /> component to draw with touch events.
react-native-dialogs ★463 - React Native wrappers for https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs
galio ★458 - A fresh react native UI framework.
react-native-root-siblings ★452 - Add sibling elements after your app root element.
react-native-size-matters ★436 - A React-Native utility belt for scaling the size your apps UI across different sized devices.
react-native-button-component ★434 - A Beautiful, Customizable React Native Button component for iOS & Android
react-native-super-grid ★434 - Responsive Grid View for React Native.
react-native-activity-view ★427 - iOS share and action sheets for React Native
react-native-canvas ★421 - A Canvas element for React Native
react-native-refresher ★419 - A React Native pull to refresh ListView completely written in js. Also supports custom animations.
react-native-sortable-list ★412 A sortable list for react native with both vertical and horizontal direction support.
react-native-gesture-password ★410 - A gesture password component for React Native
react-native-carousel ★406 - Simple carousel component for react-native
react-native-country-picker-modal ★403 - Country picker provides a modal allowing a user to select a country from a list. It display a flag next to each country name.
react-native-radio-buttons ★399 - A react component to implement custom radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only on can be selected at once.
react-native-masked-text ★392 - A simple masked text and input text component for React Native.
react-native-accordion ★390 - An Accordion Component for React Native
react-native-invertible-scroll-view ★388 - An invertible ScrollView for React Native
react-native-message-bar ★384 - A module for presenting notifications via an animated message bar at the top/bottom of the screen, highly customizable, for React Native (Android and iOS) projects.
react-native-fit-image ★383 - Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself.
react-native-text-input-mask ★383 - Text input mask for Android and iOS, native implementation RedMadRobot libraries
react-native-alphabetlistview ★372 - A ListView with a sidebar to jump to sections directly, based on johanneslumpe's react-native-selectablesectionlistview
react-native-check-box ★372 - Checkbox component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.
react-native-really-awesome-button ★370 - RNRAB is a 3D at 60fps, progress enabled, extendable, production ready component that renders an awesome animated set of UI buttons.
react-native-autocomplete-input ★366 - Pure javascript autocomplete input for react-native
react-native-splashscreen ★358 - A splash screen for react-native
react-native-responsive-image ★344 - Most elegant Responsive Image component
react-native-pdf-view ★338 - View pdf file using react-native
react-native-image-header-scroll-view ★338 - ScrollView with an image in header which become a navbar
react-native-toast ★336 - An android like toast for react-native support for iOS and Android
react-native-modal-picker ★333 - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections.
react-native-off-canvas-menu ★327 - Beautifully crafted off canvas menu components for React native applications.
rn-sliding-up-panel ★321 - React Native draggable sliding up panel purly implemented in Javascript. Works nicely on both iOS and Android.
react-native-search-box ★319 - A simple search box with animation, inspired from ios search bar.
react-native-parallax-swiper ★315 - Configurable parallax swiper based on an iOS pattern. Uses Native Driver for super smooth parallax.
react-native-gesture-recognizers ★313 - Gesture recognizer decorators for react-native
react-native-searchbar ★313 - An animated search bar for react native with inbuilt search (iOS and Android)
react-native-app-auth ★310 - React Native bridge for AppAuth - a PKCE-compliant SDK for communicating with OAuth2 providers
react-native-circular-action-menu ★305 - An animated and customizable circular floating menu.
react-native-effects-view ★304 - React Native Component that makes easy to use iOS8 UIVisualEffect
react-native-root-modal ★304 - React native modal component
react-native-timeago ★278 - Auto-updating timeago component for React Native
react-native-grid-view ★276 - React Native Grid/Collection View component
react-native-md-textinput ★275 - React Native TextInput styled with Material Design.
react-native-timer-mixin ★274 - TimerMixin provides timer functions for executing code in the future that are safely cleaned up when the component unmounts. This is a fork that includes react-native InteractionManager support.
react-native-tableview-simple ★267 - React Native component for TableView made with pure CSS
react-native-keyboard-manager ★267 - Library that allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover on React-Native iOS projects.
react-native-tabbar ★261 - Tab bar with more freedom
react-native-simple-router ★255 - A community maintained router component for React Native
react-native-cacheable-image ★255 - A filesystem cacheable image component for react-native
react-native-segmented-control-tab ★252 react-native-segmented-control-tab (for Android/iOS)
react-native-modal-selector ★249 - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections.
react-native-keyboardevents ★247 - Monitors keyboard show/hide notifications
react-native-multiselect ★246 - Simple multi-select component for react-native.
react-native-cardview ★239 - CardView for react-native (All Android version and iOS)
react-native-shimmer-placeholder ★231 - Placeholder of React Native
react-native-progress-hud ★228 - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your React Native app
react-native-qrcode-svg ★228 - A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and node-qrcode.
react-native-bottom-action-sheet ★226 - React Native: Native Bottom Action Sheet
react-native-awesome-button ★222 - A React Native component rendering a button supporting showing different appearances and functionality given the passed props
react-native-mobx ★220 - Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
react-native-egg ★220 - An easter egg component implementation simple gestures detection achieve trigger can make your react native app infinitely more fun.
react-native-progress-bar ★218 - An animated progress bar component for React Native
react-native-tooltip ★217 - A react-native wrapper for showing tooltips
react-native-emoji ★216 - Emoji component for React Native
react-native-image-cache-hoc ★211 - Higher Order Component that adds advanced caching and persistence functionality to standard Image component.
react-native-parallax-scroll ★209 - Parallax Scroll component with sticky header, foreground, native-driver and all scrollable components (FlatList, ListView, SectionList, ScrollView) support.
react-native-shine-button ★205 - React Native for Effects like shining
autoresponsive-react-native ★201 - A Magical Layout Library For React
react-native-autolink ★201 - Autolinking component for React Native
react-native-carousel-control ★199 - React Native Carousel control with support for iOS and Android.
react-native-picker-select ★199 - A Picker component for React Native which emulates the native
interfaces for iOS and Android -
react-native-calendar-select ★195 - A component to select a date period from calendar modal, like Airbnb.
react-native-wheel-picker ★190 - React native cross platform picker.
react-native-grid-component ★188 - Easy to use grid component for your react-native project. Supports iOS and Android.
react-native-popover-menu ★188 - React Native: Native Popover Menu
react-native-collapsing-toolbar ★185 - wrapper for android CollapsingToolbarLayout
react-native-pagination ★182 - A Beautiful Pagination Plugin For Lists.
react-native-hero ★180 - A hero/banner component with support for dynamic or static images, dynamic sizing, color overlays, and more.
react-native-selectme ★178 - A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
react-native-swiper-animated ★176 - Tinder-like swiper for react-native
react-native-tab ★171 - react-native-tab is a simple module for add a "Tab Menu" to your React Native app.
react-native-webbrowser ★167 - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), full-featured, highly customizable web browser module for React Native apps.
react-native-autocomplete ★163 - React Native Component for MLPAutoCompleteTextField
react-native-segmented-view ★159 - Segmented View for React Native (with animation)
react-native-cache-image ★158 - A cache-image for react-native
react-native-pulse-loader ★158 - Tinder like loader for your React Native app
stacks ★156 - Stacks: a set of layout components for building RN views blazingly fast ⚡, and with debug mode and design system grid you can investigate non-trivial visual issues.
react-native-display ★155 - This module brings "Display: none" (css style) to turn on/off components from render. Using this module will improve your app performance and appearance with the enter/exit animations.
RNParallax ★155 - A react native scroll view component with Parallax header
react-native-checkbox ★154 - Checkbox component for React native
react-native-phone-input ★154 - Phone input box for React Native
react-native-switch-pro ★153 - A pretty nice switch for Android and iOS that have same performance on two platforms and clean code in the library.
react-native-popup ★153 - Popup for react-native
react-native-radial-menu ★153 - A Radial Menu optimized for touch interfaces
react-native-gestures ★152 - Composable gesture system in react native
react-native-page-control ★151 - React native page control, like ios UIPageControl
react-native-google-place-picker ★148 - React Native Wrapper of Google Place Picker for both Android and iOS.
react-native-scaling-drawer ★148 - React native scaling drawer.
react-native-image-carousel ★148 - Image carousel with support for fullscreen mode, image swiping and pinch-to-zoom in fullscreen mode.
react-native-offline-mode ★144 - Swap your app with an offline version while there's no connectivity
react-native-orientation-listener ★141 - A react-native library for obtaining current device orientation
react-native-multi-slider ★137 - Pure JS slider component with multiple markers for React Native
react-native-color-picker ★137 - React Native implementation of color picker for both Android and iOS.
react-native-android-statusbar ★135 - A react native android package to control the status bar.
react-native-privacy-snapshot ★133 - Obscure passwords and other sensitive personal information when a react-native app transitions to the background
react-native-custom-segmented-control ★132 - Native UI iOS component for Segmented Control with custom style
react-native-map-link ★131 - Open a location in the maps app of the user's choice.
react-native-sketch-canvas ★129 - A React Native component for drawing by touching on iOS and Android. (support drawing on image, text)
react-native-floating-labels ★126 - Reusabe floating lable component for react native
react-native-beautiful-video-recorder ★125 - The video recorder component that extends from react-native-camera. It works for both iOS & Android.
react-native-cell-components ★125 - Awesome react-native cell components! From a Cell to more complex & awesome components.
react-native-material-menu ★119 - Pure JavaScript material menu component for React Native.
react-native-bouncy-drawer ★116 - Highly customizable Bouncy Drawer
react-native-taptargetview ★114 - React Native Bridge for Android KeepSafe/TapTargetView. An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
photo-viewer ★114 - A photo viewer for react native build on top of NYTPhotoViewer and FrescoImageViewer
react-native-switch-selector ★112 - A custom Switch Selector component for Android and iOS.
react-native-flexi-radio-button ★111 - Simple and flexible Radio button for React Native
react-native-triangle ★108 - Draw triangle views in react native
react-native-viewport-units ★107 - Incredibly simple utility for (sort of) using viewport units with React Native.
react-native-wheel-picker-android ★186 - Simple and flexible React native wheel picker for Android, including DatePicker and TimePicker.
react-native-device-display ★105 - A simple way to create dynamic views through device and display detection, allowing the creation of adaptable and universal apps.
react-native-android-kit ★104 - A set of native Android UI components and modules for React Native framework (Android Design Support Library, TabLayout, Floating Action Button and more...).
react-native-fading-slides ★103 - Simple looped fading slides carousel for React Native
react-native-scl-alert ★102 - React Native implementation of the package SCLAlertView-Swift
react-native-card-view ★101 - A react native card component
react-native-marquee-label ★100 - A marquee label for react-native
react-native-drawer-menu ★97 - React Native Drawer Menu
react-native-simple-dialogs ★97 - Cross-platform simple dialogs for React Native based on the Modal component.
react-native-swipe-a-lot ★96 - A swipe component for React Native that works on iOS and Android.
react-native-submit-button ★96 - Animated Submit button. Works on both android and ios
react-native-actions-sheet ★94 - A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code
react-native-dialog ★92 - Pure JavaScript React-Native dialog
react-native-scrollable-mixin ★91 - A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components
react-native-open-maps ★90 - A simple lib to open up the corresponding map application (Google or Apple Maps) from a set of coordinates (latitude & longitude) within react-native
react-native-swiper2 ★86 - Swiper component for React Native. Supersede react-native-swiper
react-native-listitem ★86 - iOS-style listitem component for React Native
react-native-progressive-input ★86 - TextInput with clear button and activity indicator, used as part of autocomplete list.
react-native-in-app-notification ★86 - Customisable in-app notification component for React Native
react-native-shared-preferences ★85 - Android's Native key value storage system in React Native
react-native-emoji-picker ★85 - Simple Emoji picker for react-native with optional modal-like component
react-native-scalable-image ★85 - React Native Image component which scales width or height automatically to keep the original aspect ratio.
react-native-page-swiper ★83 - Page Swiper component for React Native.
react-native-material-showcase-ios ★81 - React Native Bridge for iOS aromajoin/material-showcase-ios. An elegant and beautiful showcase for iOS apps.
react-native-label-select ★81 - A modal selector for React Native with selected items displayed as labels.
react-native-3dcube-navigation ★80 - Page Swiper component with 3D cube transition (horizontal and vertical)
react-native-keyboard-accessory ★80 - Keyboard Accessory (View, Navigation) Component. Sticky views on keyboard.
react-native-draggable-grid ★79 - A React Native draggable and sortable grid component write by typescript.
react-native-textinput-utils ★79 - A react native extension which allows you to control TextInput better.
react-native-idle-timer ★79 - An Objective-C bridge that allows you to enable and disable the screen idle timer in your React Native app
react-native-snackbar-component ★77 - A snackbar component for Android and iOS, customizable and simple.
react-native-charts ★76 - Delightfully-animated data visualization.
react-native-android-blurryoverlay ★75 - A react native android package to show a blurry overlay.
react-native-calendar-datepicker ★75 - A cross-platform calendar datepicker
react-native-scrollview-smart ★75 - A Smart ScrollView component for IOS and Android.
react-native-zoom-image ★75 - An image viewer component for react-native, like twitter's image viewer.
react-native-picker-xg ★74 - A picker for both Android and iOS
react-native-status-bar-height ★73 - A small library that helps you to get status bar height easily. It also support iPhone X.
react-native-color-wheel ★72 - A react native reusable color picker wheel
react-native-scrollview-lazyload ★71 - react-native scrollview with image lazy load
react-native-pure-navigation-bar ★71 - A fully customizable navigation bar in React Native.
react-native-material-cards ★70 - A material design card component, customizable and versatile.
react-native-item-cell ★69 - React Native default style iOS item cell
react-native-calendario ★69 - React Native Calendar DatePicker
react-native-picker-android ★67 - react-native-picker-android
react-native-nested-stylesheet ★67 - Nestable stylesheets for react-native.
react-native-dropdown-android ★65 - Simple wrapper for Android's Spinner to use with react-native
react-native-slot-machine ★65 - A text slot machine component for react-native
react-native-swipeview ★65 - SwipeView component used to perform actions like swipe to delete, works on iOS and Android
react-native-download-button ★64 - React Native Download Button: with pretty cool animation
react-native-siri-wave-view ★64 - React Native: Native Siri Wave View
react-native-card-media ★63 - Card media component & Support multiple image layout
react-native-simple-picker ★62 - A simple react-native select picker
react-native-view-pdf ★62 - PDF viewer for React Native
react-native-touchable-bounce ★62 - React Native Touchable Bounce
react-native-streetview ★61 - Google's Panorama/StreetView component for iOS and Android.
react-native-thumbnail ★60 - Get thumbnail from local media.
react-native-simple-stepper ★60 - A super simple react-native implementation of the UIStepper iOS control.
react-native-phone-picker ★58 - a quick phone picker control
react-native-infinite-scrollview ★58 - ScrollView with infinite paged scrolling (no looping)
react-native-select-multiple ★58 -A simple and easy to use component for multiple selection of item from List.
react-native-easy-content-loader ★57 - React-Native light weight skeleton content loading.
react-native-multiple-choice ★57 - A cross-platform (iOS / Android) single and multiple-choice React Native component.
k-react-native-swipe-unlocker ★55 - A simple swipe unlock for React Native
react-native-walkthrough-tooltip ★55 - Highlight a component via tooltip/popover
react-native-adbannerview ★52 - React Native Bridge for ADBannerView
react-native-fxblurview ★52 - React Native wrapper for popular FXBlurView library for realtime, fine-tuned blur effects
react-native-beautiful-image ★52 - The Beautiful Image component that supports fadeIn animation and shows placeholderSource if the main source can't be loaded.
react-native-360-image-viewer ★100 - The component helps to simulate 360 degrees image from multiple images.
react-native-fs-modal ★51 - React native full screen modal component.
react-native-toast-native ★51 React Native Toast component for both Android and iOS.
react-native-masked-view ★50 - A element for react-native
react-native-md-motion-buttons ★50 - Material design motion button inspired by inVision app.
react-native-drop-refresh ★49 - A pull down to refresh control for react native.
react-native-pin-view ★48 - Easy, convenient, quick-forming PinView component. It runs smoothly for both IOS and Android.
react-native-radio-button-classic ★47 - Bring Classic Radio to React-Native
react-native-image-intent ★47 - Image intent receiver for React Native android
react-native-dial ★47 - A react native reusable and efficient dial knob element.
react-native-date ★46 - React Native date and time pickers for Android
react-native-draggable-drawer ★46 - DraggableDrawer component for React Native.
react-native-date-picker ★46 - A date picker component for Android and iOS
react-native-message-composer ★45 - React Native module bridge to iOS MFMessageComposeViewController
react-native-layout ★45 - Semantic JSX layout components for react-native
react-native-touch-visualizer ★45 - Visualize touches and drags on React Native apps for iOS.
react-native-calendar-android ★44 - A simple material-themed calendar for react native android
react-native-air-progress-bar ★44 - React Native progress-bar component, customizable and animated
react-native-full-screen ★44 - React Native FullScreen api and element
react-native-full-image-picker ★44 - Support taking photo, video recording or selecting from photo library.
react-native-viewport ★43 - Viewport dimensions for react-native
react-native-progress-circular ★43 - A pure React Native Component for circular progress bars for both iOS and Android.
react-native-tween-animation ★43 - A simple react native state tween animation module.
react-native-flanimatedimage ★43 - FLAnimatedImage for React Native.
react-native-grading ★43 - React Native Component for grading scores using ReactART.
react-native-auto-typing-text ★43 - An auto typing text component for react-native
react-native-slack-webhook ★42 - Follow some activities (new user, payment,...) from your app via Slack and this webhook lib.
react-native-responsive-linechart ★41 - Draw Line and Area charts easily. Works responsively.
react-native-simpledialog-android ★41 - React Native Android module to use Android's AlertDialog - same idea of AlertIOS
react-native-toolkit ★41 - A collection of common UI components for react native mobile apps.
react-native-draggable-grid ★41 - A React Native draggable and sortable grid component write by typescript.
react-native-sortable-gridview ★4 - A React Native sortable and draggable Grid View Component.
react-native-elastic-stack ★41 - ReactNative component that implements elastic stack effect
react-native-big-slider ★41 - Yet another, big one, pure JS easily customisable and hackable react-native slider component.
react-native-custom-actsheet ★40 - A custom ActionSheet for react-native
rn-render-perfs ★40 - Measure React rendering lifecycles using UI controls
react-native-animated-check-mark ★40 - A small react component for animated cross-mark transformation.
react-native-easy-dnd ★39 - Drag and drop component for react-native
react-native-fab ★39 - A FAB button component for Android and iOS, customizable, simple and as per material design specs.
react-native-popupwindow ★38 - Android PopupWindow for react-native module
react-native-wheel ★38 - android wheel view for react-native
react-native-bar-collapsible ★38 - A Bar component that can be collapsible (toggle/accordion), clickable or text-only.
react-native-circle-view ★37 - circle progress for react native android using CircleView
react-native-slidable-tab-bar ★37 - Slidable tab bar for instant view rendering(react-native)
react-native-scrollable-decorator ★37 - A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components
react-native-circle-checkbox ★37 - Circle checkbox component for React Native
react-native-newsticker ★35 - The News Ticker component for React Native
react-native-awesome-alert ★35 - Customizable modal components with ✔️check options in React Native
react-native-view ★34 - Lightweight View component for quick styling.
react-native-draggable-calendar ★34 - A calendar component supporting dragging.
react-native-countdown ★33 - react native countdown button
react-native-dashed-border ★33 - A element for react-native
react-native-writebox ★33 - (iOS / Android) Facebook/Twitter textarea that autogrow and count characters.
react-native-ibeacon-simulator ★32 - React Native Library to simulate device act as an iBeacon
react-native-suggester ★32 - React-Native package to decorate TextInput and get suggestions with good UX.
react-native-photo-grid ★31 - React Native component that handles the complexities of building a grid of photos with a flexible number of photos per row.
react-native-touchable-set-active ★30 - Touchable component for React Native that enables more advanced styling by setting an active state. Most useful for building your own touchable/button components on top of.
react-native-telephone-input ★30 - React Native Telephone Input, discover country and mask telephone Input
react-native-nmrangeslider-ios ★29 - The NMRangeSlider component for React Native
react-native-fade-in-view ★29 - A simple and lightweight RN component that fades in its children
react-native-gl-image-filters ★27 - React Native GL Filters for Image implementation.
react-native-focus-scroll ★26 - react-native-focus-scroll can detect which children are focused when scrolling.
react-native-about-libraries ★26 - React Native: It offers information about install packages
react-native-actionsheet-native ★25 - Android ActionSheet support for React Native
react-native-comparison-slider ★25 - A simple component to display two image in comparison with a slide-over feature.
react-native-selectmultiple-button ★25 - A button (or a grouped buttons) supporting multiple or radio selection
react-native-timeline-theme ★25 - Collection of TimeLine theme. This package only use flexbox(without absolute) & FlatList
react-native-date-range-picker ★25 - Simple date range picker extended from react-native-calendars 📆
react-native-circle-progress ★24 - A custom Circle Progress Indicator for React Native
react-native-app-intro-v2 ★24 - Latest App intro
react-native-starrating ★24 - a react-native component for display interactive star ratings
react-native-echarts-wrapper ★24 - Powerful ECharts wrapper build for React Native
react-native-orientation-controller ★23 - A react-native library for obtaining and controlling the current device and application orientation
react-native-match-media ★23 - window.matchMedia mock for React Native
react-native-simple-card-view ★23 - Easiest way to adding a card view on your screen.
monalisa-ui ★22 - MonalisaUI is UI component library for React Native to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms
react-native-square-view ★22 - A square view component for react native.
react-native-ichart ★22 - ichart for react-native
react-native-dropbox-chooser ★21 - React Native dropbox chooser module
react-native-compress ★21 - Compress video for react native. Only for iOS, Android will be coming.
react-native-custom-actionsheet ★21 - Fully customizable ActionSheet for React Native.
react-native-timepicker ★20 - React Native timepicker for iOS
react-native-custom-checkbox ★20 - React Native checkbox that can be customize. Works for both Android and iOS.
react-native-tilt ★20 - Tilt effect with accelerometer for React Native components.
react-native-drawpad ★20 - A pad for users to draw by touching
rn-ab-hoc ★19 - Poor intrusive way to make A/B Testing by using an HoC instead of components.
react-native-expand ★19 - A react-native expandable component for both Android and iOS
react-native-modal-loader ★19 - Customizable animated modal progress hud for react apps.
react-native-images-collage ★19 - Robust interactive image collage component for React Native.
react-native-avatar-gravatar ★18 - React Native Gravatar component
react-native-image-modal ★16 - simple full size modal image for iOS and Android. supports zoom-in/out, double-tap zoom-in/out, move and swipe-to-dismiss
react-native-notifier ★16 - Fast and simple in-app notifications for React Native
react-native-grid ★15 - The 24-column grid component for react-native
react-native-search ★15 - Native Search component for react native.
rn-displayable ★15 - Display your components based on props or a set of rules
react-native-custom-picker ★15 - React native customizable picker component.
react-native-confirmation-code-field ★15 - A React Native component to input confirmation code for both Android and IOS
react-native-android-circles ★14 - A react native android package to show a circle progress view.
react-native-anchor-point ★14 - Make the fancy 3D transform easier in react native
react-native-code-verification ★13 - An UI module for user-side pincode verification.
react-native-hijri-date-picker ★13 - Date Picker Dialog for Hijri calendar for android.
react-native-imagewand ★13 - image wand for react native
react-native-gravatar ★13 - react-native wrapper for gravatar-api
react-native-rebound-scrollview ★12 - React Native Android ReboundScrollView implementation.
react-native-calculator ★12 - React Native Calculator and Calculator Input Component.
react-native-navbar-color ★12 - Change Navigationbar Color in Android
radio-buttons-react-native ★11 - Animated radio buttons component for react native
react-native-piechart ★10 - A component for React Native
react-native-seekbar-android ★10 - A React Native wrapper Android's SeekBar
react-native-coachmasks ★10 - react-native-coachmark! It helps you easily create Coach Marks to enhance user experience!
react-native-progress-button ★10 - A react native button component that can show progress.
react-native-quiltview ★9 - Native iOS UICollectionView wrapper with RFQuiltLayout for React Native
react-native-relative-units ★9 - Relative units for React Native
react-native-simple-button ★9 - A simple react-native button
react-native-styled-toast ★9 - A themeable toast component for React Native.
react-native-frame-loading ★9 - The Loading indicator with frame by frame view animation
react-native-rheostat ★9 - Inspired by Airbnb's rheostat, a powerful slider with assorted data visualized charts.
react-native-country-picker ★8 - React Native Country Picker
react-native-flex-label ★8 - A text label for React Native that handles multiple lines of text with ellipses truncation as well as vertical alignment within it's view container.
react-native-link ★8 - A link component
react-native-stylesheet-xg ★8 - extension stylesheet for cross platforms and responsive
react-native-censored ★8 - React Native component to censor content.
react-native-bouncing-ball ★8 - React Native component bouncing ball for both iOS and Android.
react-native-loading ★7 - A lightweight loading for your React Native app.
react-native-segment-control ★7 - A swipeable SegmentedControl component for React Native apps.
react-native-animated-styles ★7 - Easily animate/transition react components between two style states.
react-native-hide-modal ★6 - Modal component that can be hidden
react-native-hole-view ★6 - Component for cutting out click-through holes in any view. Perfect for making tutorial-like overlay
react-native-masonry-brick-list ★5 - Staggered Or Masonary List View For React Native Written in pure js
react-native-blur-overlay ★5 - React Native Blur Overlay Library For Ios And Android
react-native-rate-modal ★5 - Hackable "rate us" component for React Native.
react-native-fancy-carousel-viewpager ★4 - React Native Designed View Pager Library (pure js)
pinar ★4 - Customizable, lightweight React Native carousel component with accessibility support.
react-native-svg-transformer ★4 - Import SVG files inside React Native components. Uses the react-native-svg library to render SVG images.
react-native-progress-steps ★4 - A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a progress stepper UI.
react-native-loader-hud ★3 - Loader animation library for React Native
react-native-double-buffer ★3 - Simple React Native Double Buffer View
react-native-fontbase ★3 - Defining font sizes in React Native
react-native-units ★2 - A collection of useful units and a simple grid implementation for responsive layouts in React Native.
react-native-easy-checkbox ★2 - Simple CheckBox for react-native
react-native-scene-manager ★2 - Simple Scene Manager for React-Native
react-native-rounded-navigation-drawer ★2 - React Native Designed Navigation Drawer Library (Pure Js)
react-native-expandable-fab-menu ★2 - React Native Expandable Fab Menu Component (pure js)
react-native-animated-bottom-tabbar ★2 - Animated bottom Tab bar for react native
react-native-create-new-file-ios ★1 - A react-native interface for creating a blank new file on ios. File must not already exist.
react-native-picker-module ★1 - A different approach for React Native Picker.
react-native-countries ★1 - This package is provide you directly native countries name & code list from device.
react-native-scrubber ★1 - A simple audio/video Scrubber for both iOS and Android.
react-native-loader-kit ★1 - Purely native loading animations for React Native.
react-native-new-feature ★1 - A simple and lightweight What's New component to show your latest React native Features.
react-native-sdr - Server Driven Rendering (SDR) component for React Native
react-native-store-view ★19 - Wraps SKStoreProductViewController for use in react-native projects
react-native-image-container ★0 - Image container for React Native
react-native-counters ★0 - Minus Plus Counter for React Native
react-native-gradient-buttons - A lightweight, customizable and haptic Gradient Button component for React Native.
react-native-auth-screens - A series of Authentication Views for React Native: Sign In, Social Sign In Sign Up, and Forgot Password. Uses
. -
react-native-animated-flatlist - Animated Flatlist for React Native.
swipeable-modal-react-native - A 'pop-up' modal that can be swiped away left or right to run different functions.
react-native-countdown-text - A React Native component that converts a timestamp of a future date to a readable countdown clock, based on a format.
rn-actionsheet-module ★0 - BottomsheetDialog & ActionSheetIOS with same props and usage.
react-native-animated-loader - A React Native Loader Component which uses Airbnb's Lottie for beautiful loader animations.
rn-verifcode - React-Native component to input confirmation code for both Android and IOS
react-native-picker-modal-view - React Native Module to select item picker modal.
rn-material-textinput - A simple TextInput wrapper for material styling in iOS and Android with Customizable styles & Animated label.
rn-action-picker - A simple action picker for iOS and Android. Renders Native ActionSheetIOS Component in iOS and custom ActionSheet lookalike component in Android.
rn-collapsible-section - A collapsible section / section list with customizable section body and child body. Supports both iOS and Android.
view-on-steroids - React-Native View component with inline styles
react-native-dots-pagination ★3 - A simple dot paging for React Native.
react-native-gesture-detector - Easily create and detect custom, complex gestures on React Native.
react-native-scrollview-header ★5 - An animated ScrollView header that transitions from transparent background to opaque upon scrolling.
react-native-wizard - Easily navigate your user for next step. Quick-forming Wizard component.
react-native-timetable - 📆 timetable library for React Native
react-native-material-drawer - React Native Material Drawer for iOS, Android, Web, and Electron
- react-native-navigation-hooks ★109 - A set of React hooks for React Native Navigation.
- react-native-router-flux ★7720 - React Native Router based on new React Native Navigation API
- native-navigation ★3060 - Native navigation library for React Native applications
- react-native-navbar ★1824 - Simple customizable navbar component for react-native
- react-native-router ★1203 - Awesome navigation for your native app.
- ex-navigation ★1019 - A route-centric, batteries-included navigation library for Exponent and React Native that works seamlessly on Android and iOS.
- react-native-controllers ★580 - Truly native no-compromise iOS navigation for React Native.
- ex-navigator ★531 - Route-centric navigation built on top of React Native's Navigator
- react-native-nav ★262 - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), fully customizable, React Native Navigation Bar component
- react-native-navigation-drawer ★98 - A slide menu inspired from Android for React-Native
- react-native-ya-navigator ★88 - Yet another react native navigator component
- navbar-native ★86 - A new, fully customizable Navbar component for React-Native
- react-native-swiper-flatlist ★★ ★81 - 👆 React Native Swiper component implemented with FlatList
- react-native-easy-router ★78 - React Native router with easy-to-use API
- react-native-navigator ★74 - A simple router for react native
- react-navigation-magic-move ★62 - Bindings for using react-navigation with react-native-magic-move 🐰🎩✨ (shared element transitions)
- react-native-navigation-bar ★59 - react-native-navigation-bar
- react-native-url-handler ★37 - Navigate to external URLs, handle in-app URLs, and access system URLs
- react-native-grid-list ★ ★28 - React Native Grid List component
- react-native-route-navigator ★27 - React-Native page navigation using URIs.
- react-native-transparent-bar ★16 - react native navigator transparent bar
- react-native-email-chip ★8 - A simple yet customizable component to display a chip list of emails
- react-native-invoke-app ★8 - Bring React Native App to foreground from Headless JS
- react-native-keyboard-sticky-view ★7 - Keyboar Sticky View with animation and renderProps
- sajjad-brick-list ★5 - Staggered Or Masonary List View For React Native Written in pure js
- react-native-router-sinux ★ ★4 - React Native Router based on new NavigationExperimental that use Sinux as Flux implementation.
- react-native-simple-slider ★3 - This is a simple javascript slider component for react native
- react-native-header-scroll-view ★3 - iOS-style large header scroll view.
- react-native-navigation-buttons ★2 - iOS navigation buttons for the React Native Navigator
- react-native-hotspot ★2 - A React Native component that displays hotspots over desired components to help lead your users through an onboarding flow or direct them towards new UI elements
- react-native-pointer-interactions ★2 - Expose iPad mouse & trackpads interactions to React Native.
- react-native-yynavigator ★1 - custom navigation bar for react-native
- react-native-telegraph ★1 - In-app message orchestration supporting Snackbars, Banners and Dialogs