🔥 Ignite ★8832 - An unfair start for React Native - Generator CLI for redux/sagas and more.
Pepperoni ★4383 - (deprecated) Starter kit for Android & iOS, Redux, Immutable.js, disk-persisted app state
Snowflake ★4321 - Android & iOS, Redux, Jest (88% coverage), Immutable, Parse.com
native-starter-kit ★1506 - A Starter Kit for React Native + NativeBase + React Navigation + Redux + CodePush Apps (iOS & Android)
React Native Hackathon Starter ★732 - React Native Starter Project, great for hackathons or rapid prototyping. Includes tabs, navigation, Redux, React Native Vector Icons, & React Native Elements
React Native Boilerplate Typescript - React Native Boilerplate - Redux + Saga + Reselect + redux-persist + react-navigation + TypeScript
🐙 React Native Boilerplate ★551 - React Native boilerplate that promotes a solid architecture via separation of concerns.
React Native Seed ★504 - A set of React Native Boilerplates to choose from. MobX or Redux for state-management, TypeScript or Flow for static type checking and CRNA or plain React Native for the stack - By the creators of Native Base.
🚀 React Native Starter ★388 - A powerful starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application.
ReactNativeTS ★353 - Boilerplate of a React Native project in Typescript.
react-native-starter by Ueno ★311 - Professional react-native starter kit with everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid apps
react-native-vanilla ★185 - 🚀🚀🚀 Build universal cross-platform apps with React Native. Includes latest
,Android TV
,Android Wear
,Tizen TV
,Tizen Watch
,LG webOS
platforms -
react-native-template-typescript ★183 - Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
react-native-template-airbnb - Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with Airbnb (Flow, Prettier).
react-native-typescript-boilerplate ★129 - An opinionated boilerplate built with React Native Navigation v3 + Redux + Thunk, in TypeScript. Follows industry best practices.
Rhinos-app ★81 - Cross-platform React Native boilerplate (iOS, Android, Web) built on react-native-web.
react-native-web-boilerplate ★72 - A react-native-web stateless hmr boilerplate
react-native-boilerplate ★61 - Simple boilerplate for mobile development using React Native and Redux
react-native-easy-starter ★50 - A React-native starter kit using latest react and react-native 0.60.5, easy-peasy state management, hooks workflow, hermes, codepush ready-to-use custom hooks, react-native-paper, contextapis, theming support and much more (android + ios)
🍞 Baker ★46 - An opinionated MVP toolkit that helps you build mobile apps crazy fast using React Native and Parse Server
React-Native-Starter-Pack ★40 - React Native 0.34 + React-Redux (w/ Redux-Storage) + Native Base + Code Push
react-native-relay-example ★38 - React Native working with Relay
MeteorNative Boilerplate ★23 - a React Native and Meteor boilerplate with Redux.
rn-mobx-template ★17 - React Native with MobX template
react-native-boilerplate-chucknorris ★15 - A boilerplate for React Native + React Navigation + React Native Elements (iOS & Android)
react-native-template-super ★7 - A turbo starter template for react-native + React Navigation + Redux + Redux Persist
rn-relay-drawer-template ★4 - React Native working with RNRF, drawer and relay
react-native-community-maps ★3 - Boilerplate app for browsing user-generated photos on a map
React Native Starter Kit - React Native starter kit with user onboarding elements, including Firebase Auth and Facebook Login integration.
Awesome React Native Boilerplates - Effective start for your development with the most popular react-native navigation and UI libraries
react-int - A simple way to use react/react-native with redux and redux-saga.
RNStarter - ✨ A React Native Starter with 10+ commonly used libraries ✨
react-native-redux ★160 - React Native + Redux + Redux Saga
react-native-web-workspace ★58 - A cross platform app with react in a monorepo
kittenTricks ★4227 - A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support