- Expo Router - File-based router for React Native and web applications
- react-navigation ★14233 - Easy to use Navigation for React Native
- react-native-navigation ★9325 - App-wide support for 100% native navigation with an easy cross-platform interface.
- react-native-navigation-hooks ★109 - A set of React hooks for React Native Navigation.
- react-native-router-flux ★7720 - React Native Router based on new React Native Navigation API
- kittenTricks ★4227 - A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
- native-navigation ★3060 - Native navigation library for React Native applications
- react-native-navbar ★1824 - Simple customizable navbar component for react-native
- react-native-router ★1203 - Awesome navigation for your native app.
- ex-navigation ★1019 - A route-centric, batteries-included navigation library for Exponent and React Native that works seamlessly on Android and iOS.
- react-native-controllers ★580 - Truly native no-compromise iOS navigation for React Native.
- ex-navigator ★531 - Route-centric navigation built on top of React Native's Navigator
- react-native-nav ★262 - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), fully customizable, React Native Navigation Bar component
- react-native-navigation-drawer ★98 - A slide menu inspired from Android for React-Native
- react-native-ya-navigator ★88 - Yet another react native navigator component
- navbar-native ★86 - A new, fully customizable Navbar component for React-Native
- react-native-swiper-flatlist ★★ ★81 - 👆 React Native Swiper component implemented with FlatList
- react-native-easy-router ★78 - React Native router with easy-to-use API
- react-native-navigator ★74 - A simple router for react native
- react-navigation-magic-move ★62 - Bindings for using react-navigation with react-native-magic-move 🐰🎩✨ (shared element transitions)
- react-native-navigation-bar ★59 - react-native-navigation-bar
- react-native-url-handler ★37 - Navigate to external URLs, handle in-app URLs, and access system URLs
- react-native-grid-list ★ ★28 - React Native Grid List component
- react-native-route-navigator ★27 - React-Native page navigation using URIs.
- react-native-transparent-bar ★16 - react native navigator transparent bar
- react-native-email-chip ★8 - A simple yet customizable component to display a chip list of emails
- react-native-invoke-app ★8 - Bring React Native App to foreground from Headless JS
- react-native-keyboard-sticky-view ★7 - Keyboar Sticky View with animation and renderProps
- sajjad-brick-list ★5 - Staggered Or Masonary List View For React Native Written in pure js
- react-native-router-sinux ★ ★4 - React Native Router based on new NavigationExperimental that use Sinux as Flux implementation.
- react-native-simple-slider ★3 - This is a simple javascript slider component for react native
- react-native-header-scroll-view ★3 - iOS-style large header scroll view.
- react-native-navigation-buttons ★2 - iOS navigation buttons for the React Native Navigator
- react-native-hotspot ★2 - A React Native component that displays hotspots over desired components to help lead your users through an onboarding flow or direct them towards new UI elements
- react-native-pointer-interactions ★2 - Expose iPad mouse & trackpads interactions to React Native.
- react-native-yynavigator ★1 - custom navigation bar for react-native
- react-native-telegraph ★1 - In-app message orchestration supporting Snackbars, Banners and Dialogs
Navigation/Routing Articles
- Basics of using react-native-router-flux
- Routing and Navigation in React Native
- NavigatorIOS: Accessing onRightButtonPress from within child component
Navigation Demos
- movieapp ★1441 – Discover Movies and TV shows - it uses redux and wix/react-native-navigation
- ExNavRelay ★23 - React Native + Ex-navigation + Relay integration template
- React Native Drawer & Bottom-Tab Navigation ★6
- React Native Example App: Navigation