Utils & Infra
- react-native-workers ★616 - Background services and web workers for react-native
- react-native-mock ★504 - A fully mocked and test-friendly version of react native
- loki ★395 - Visual Regression Testing for Storybook
- react-native-slowlog ★271 - A high-performance timer based profiler for React Native that helps you track big performance problems
- react-native-zip-archive ★173 - Zip / Unzip archive utility
- react-native-tips ★160 - This module is used to create easily some tips to help your new users to understand how works your app.
- codemod-RN24-to-RN25 ★104 - a simple codemod to handle the new import style on >=RN25
- react-native-linkedin ★101 React-Native LinkedIn, a simple LinkedIn login library for React-Native or Expo with WebView and Modal
- react-native-eval ★75 - Call any JS functions from your native code
- react-native-device-log ★73 - A UI and service for displaying dev-logs on devices.
- react-native-call-detection ★73 - Helps to detect different call states like Incoming, Disconnected, Dialing and Connected
- react-native-userdefaults-ios ★66 - React Native Module for NSUserDefaults
- react-native-webp ★56 - react-native-webp adds support for WebP images for react-native components.
- react-native-global-event-emitter ★50 - Shared event emitter between native and JS for React Native.
- react-native-user-defaults ★48 - ios UserDefaults used by react-native
- react-native-console-time-polyfill ★45 - console.time and console.timeEnd polyfill for react-native
- react-native-aws-signature ★42 - help generate signature required for using AWS API. Necessary to use S3, ec2, or other services.
- react-native-rsa ★41 - RSA crypto lib for react native
- react-native-html-parser ★38 - parse html in react-native
- pixels-catcher ★26 - Library for testing React Native UI components and screens
- react-native-aes ★24 - AES in react-native
- react-native-network-logger ★20 - An HTTP network request monitor for React Native including an in-app interface.
- eslint-config-kingstinct-react-native ★23 - Opinionated ESLint configurarition for React Native and TypeScript
- react-native-hour-format ★20 - Get hour format from OS settings.
- react-native-des ★20 - A des crypto for react-native
- react-native-babel-jest ★15 - Simple testing configuration for React Native with Jest
- react-native-simple-encryption ★14 - Simple XOR and base_64 encryption decryption for react-native
- react-native-immutable ★12 - using immutable.js library with react-native
- react-native-util ★12 - A fork of io.js's util module that works with React Native
- react-native-referrer ★11 - React Native android only library to retrieve campaign referrer.
- react-native-webpackager-server ★6 - react native webpackager server
- react-native-crypto ★6 - implementation of crypto for React Native
- react-native-fluxbone ★5 - A group of libraries that help with the FluxBone pattern in React Native
- react-native-cross-settings ★5 - React Native Settings module for both Android & iOS.
- react-native-HsvToRgb ★3 - a helper to convert HSV(HSB) color to RGB.
- react-native-use-persist-storage ★3 - Persist and rehydrate your context(state) using React Hooks
- react-native-tools ★0 - Tools for react native project development
- react-native-call-observer - Helps to observe call status like incoming, ended, and connected (iOS).
- react-native-iphone-se-helper ★0 - utils for developing iphone SE size.
- react-native-native-log ★0 - A React Native log function that under the hood calls native logs.
- react-native-mov-to-mp4 ★44 - utils for Converting mov file to mp4 for cross-platform playback compatibility.